My Final Comp Sci Project: The Story!!!

I decided to base my story around the evolution of my coding. I came to this decision because I luckily had some of my first ever pieces of code on my laptop (which were created in 2019 during my school’s hackathon, a long time before i began this class and before I knew anything about coding), so I decided to create a presentation which showed both codes, comparing the two and highlighting my progress, my newfound knowledge, and new sense of creativity and originality in regards to coding and my work since I have now learned enough to put my own spin onto it (all things I can confidently say i had little to none of during Hackathon 2019).

Here is the PDF version of my slideshow!!

*I’d also like to note that this website (the one that you are on right now) was completely coded by me with little to no help from others! In my past works, I have asked for help from friends, my teacher, and even the internet, all of whom were extremely helpful and very much appreciated. In no means am I saying getting help is bad; help allows you to learn and to grow, and it is something that should be welcomed. In fact, all the help I received was the reason why I was able to create all of my work!! But this final presentation website was specifically made by me (with a bit of help from google for the slideshow display :o). This entire project website, as well as making sure the websites shown in the slideshow were fully functioning was fun and challenging work to do without asking others for help, especially making sure the pictures and videos were working and that the formatting was correct (specifically my old websites on the slideshow, since they were created just for us and not to be shown off and pushed on a public website). I wanted to create this final project presentation to test out everything I learned and to put them to work by myself, to highlight all that I learned and all that I can do. I’m extremely proud and happy of how it came out, and I am truly grateful for all the help that I have received during the last two trimesters of computer science, and I think that this website is reflective of how far I have come :)